Health & Safety


This Health & Safety policy is issued to all employees as a guide to the safe working practices and statutory requirements that must be followed. It also defines rules & procedures, which have been developed within the company to actively promote the highest standards of health, safety, welfare and environmental protection.

The most important asset to our industry is people. This Health & Safety policy has been developed with the purpose of helping people to work together safely.

Please read it carefully; always keep to the rules and procedures and follow the guidance that it gives.

Last updated April 2001


Intent Statement of Company Policy on Health & Safety at Work
Organisation Chain of Responsibility
  1. Hazard Assessment & Risk Minimisation
  2. General Workplace Safety, Welfare & Legislation
  3. Sub Contractors & Temporary Workers
  4. Accidents & Emergencies
  5. First Aid
  6. Fire Emergency Instructions & Prevention
  7. Gas Safety
  8. General Safety Rules & Procedures
  9. Employees Working Alone
  10. Equipment Use & Maintenance
  11. Hazardous Substances
  12. Smoking, Alcohol & Drug Abuse
  13. Transportation & Driving
  14. Manual Handling
  15. Working at Height
  16. Rigging & Lifting Equipment
  17. Structures & Installations
  18. Noise Levels
  19. Pressurised Systems
  20. Personal Protective Equipment
  21. Violence Risks
  22. Mental Health & Stress
  23. Office Safety
  24. Working with Visual Display Units

Acceptance Signature Pages

Statement of Company Policy
Health & Safety at Work

The Directors of Drinkle & Mann Ltd. fully accept our responsibilities to our employees to ensure, so far as is reasonably practical, their health, safety and welfare and to:

  • Provide and maintain within the framework of law and of good practice, safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all of our employees, contractors, visitors and others.
  • Make arrangements to ensure so far as is reasonably practical, safety and absence of risks to health in connection with the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances.
  • Provide information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure so far as is reasonably practical the health and safety at work of our employees.
  • Maintain in a condition to be safe and without risks to health, so far as is reasonably practical, any place of work under our control.

  • Provide means of access to and egress from any place of work under our control, which is, so far as is reasonably practical, safe and without risks to health.

  • Provide and maintain for our employees a working environment that is, so far as is reasonably practical, safe, without risk to health, and adequate as regards facilities and arrangements for their welfare at work.

The Directors of Drinkle & Mann Ltd. accept that Health & Safety are management responsibilities but we depend on the co-operation of all employees, who should be aware that they too have responsibilities under this legislation. To comply with the Health & Safety policy at all times is the duty of all employees who should act responsibly, work in a safe manner, and do everything they can so as to prevent accidents to both themselves and others.

We also accept that we have a responsibility for the health, safety and welfare of others that may be affected by the business. Not only at our own premises, but also when contractually employed in the course of our service at premises or locations not owned by Drinkle & Mann Ltd., be they publicly or privately owned.

To ensure the success of our policy we will carefully monitor its effectiveness and review the content annually. Revisions to the policy will be implemented as a result of deficiencies highlighted by the review, by new legislation, or by business development.

The company is committed to the success of this policy.

Douglas Mann Colin Hulme    
Managing Director Company Secretary   April 2001


Chain of Responsibility

Douglas Mann/Colin Hulme
Managing Directors
  • Ultimately responsible for Health & Safety matters within Drinkle & Mann Ltd.

  • Responsible for the implementation of the Health & Safety policy and monitoring that the standards and procedures defined within the document are being adhered to, ensuring a safe and healthy working environment.

Departmental Co-ordinators
  • Responsible for complying with all aspects of the Health & safety policy, ensuring that all departmental procedures adhere to the legislation as set out in the current edition of the Drinkle & Mann Ltd. Health & Safety policy and comply with statutory duties.

  • Responsible for reporting hazards & accidents and acting accordingly to minimise risks.

  • Responsible for the maintenance of Health & Safety supplies and equipment, ensuring a written record of all accidents is kept.

  • Responsible for the general upkeep of the business premises maintaining standards and procedure of Health & Safety as defined in the Drinkle & Mann Ltd. Health & Safety Policy.

This is how the company shows that co-operation, good communication and consultation at all levels in the company will be implemented in order to discuss any Health & Safety matters from employees.

The Company will also keep employees up to date with amendments on Health & Safety requirements, where to obtain advice and adequate training. A record of recommendations, implementations and training will also be kept.

We endeavour to monitor the accident and ill health record of the business ensuring that we are complying with our statutory duties and those defined in our own Health & Safety policy.


Section 1

Hazard Assessment & Risk Minimisation

To comply with statutory duties and also in accordance with our own Health & Safety Policy we need to regularly conduct inspections of our working environment to ensure that so far as is reasonably practicable we are maintaining conditions of safety and absence of risks to health. We need to identify hazards in order to define safe preventative and protective measures to eliminate or minimize risks to which we are exposed in our working environment. We also need to identify and minimise or eliminate risks to the health & safety of persons not in our employment arising from or in connection with our undertaking.

In compliance with current legislation for the purpose of identifying measures to be taken we must work through a three-stage process.

  1. Identifying Hazards
  2. Identifying Risks
  3. Measures to control the risks

Here at Drinkle & Mann Ltd. we have implemented our own system of processing Hazard Assessment & Risk Minimisation.

Hazard Anything with the potential to cause harm e.g. Materials, equipment, methods of work etc.
Assessment Assess the hazard and potential risk
Risk The likelihood that the harm from a particular hazard is realised and the consequences.
Minimisation Actions to be taken to minimise or eliminate the risk

This process is to be identified as a H.A.R.M. check and will be carried out bi-monthly at our own premises and recorded, identification of new hazards and instructions of action required will be distributed to all staff. The ledger recording the undertaking of these inspections will be posted on the Health & Safety notice board.

The process is required to be undertaken each time that we work at a location other than our own premises. We need to be aware of potential hazards in order to maintain in a condition to be safe and without risks to health, so far as is reasonably practical, any place of work under our control.

When conducting a H.A.R.M. check we must ensure the following points are taken into consideration.

  1. Stop at every hazard that you observe (anything that could cause harm).
  2. Think through the seriousness of the hazard and the risk it could cause:
    • Could the hazard be changed or moved?
    • What are the risks of anyone being harmed- take into consideration work methods, precautions, processes, materials & equipment to be utilised.
    • What is the worst-case scenario e.g. how many people are at risk (employees, contractors, general public etc.)?
    • What is the likelihood of the worst actually occurring
    • How often is the risk there

    Never negate a hazard by assuming that common sense will prevent harm from occurring. Always assume that if it can be done, sooner or later someone will do it!

  3. This is the most important stage of the process and will determine the success or failure of the effort to minimise the risk or injury. A crucial consideration is ordering risk & hazard control. The following list shows the most effective, preferred method of dealing with hazards at the top through to the least effective methods at the bottom.
    • Eliminate
    • Substitution by something less hazardous and risky
    • Enclosure - Enclose it in a way that eliminates or controls the hazard or risk
    • Guarding/Segregation of people
    • Safe systems of work which minimise the risk to an acceptable level
    • Written procedures that are known and understood by those affected
    • Adequate supervision
    • Identification of training needs
    • Information (Instruction signs, handouts)
    • Personal Protective Equipment

A combination of control methods may be necessary. The most risk & cost effective methods should be chosen

Doug says:

"Eliminating the risk of an electric shock is better than wearing a pair of wellies!"

The following pages emphasise the H.A.R.M. initiative, include the preliminary inspection report for our own premises and a copy of our H.A.R.M. Inspection ledger, which is displayed on the Health & Safety notice board.

Hazard Assessment & Risk Minimisation

Date Completed: 22/02/01
Completed by: Keith Clarkson








Obstructions in walkways to fire exits & between shelving

Tripping, exit difficulty in emergency


Ensure exits & walkways are cleared and remain clear

Storage of sets/flats excessive waste in area

Fire hazard


Remove unnecessary packaging, ensure no naked flames or smoking allowed in the vicinity

Dustpan & brooms laid around randomly

Tripping, exit difficulty in emergency


Keep in safe designated area when not in use

Obstruction to electric breakers

Unable to isolate power in emergency


Clear obstruction & keep clear

Obstructed access to Electric Drill

Excessive reaching or potential for mistakes


Remove obstruction or relocate for use

Loose hanging cables in microphone cupboard



Secure cables to wall/ceiling

Exit sign over main door obscured from view

Non-compliance H & S Procedures


Replace with new regulation Text & Symbol (Running Man) sign required by law

Fire Extinguishers not in designated areas

Potential to be damaging in emergency situation


Replace to designated areas, 2 required on upper level

Loose BNC cable over Cupboard door

Obstruction, potential risk of tripping


Secure correctly

First aid kit inaccessible

Obstruction to anyone requiring First Aid


Relocate First aid kit or remove obstruction & keep clear

Loose power socket on stairway (& plug)

Tripping, Electrical hazard


Secure correctly

Diesel storage obstruction/containment

Potential Fire hazard


This should be in a special metal cupboard or bin up to a maximum of 50 litres.

Review storage

Full Rubbish bins

Potential Fire Hazard


Empty Regularly

Hazard Assessment & Risk Minimisation

Record of H.A.R.M. Inspections

Date of inspection

Inspection completed by

Is action required to minimise any risks

Date required action fully completed

April 2004




June 2004




August 2004




October 2004




December 2004




February 2005




April 2005




June 2005




August 2005




October 2005




December 2005




February 2006




April 2006




June 2006




August 2006




October 2006




December 2006




February 2007




April 2007





Section 2

General Workplace Safety, Welfare & Legislation

In compliance with the legislation of the Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations 1992 It is the duty of Drinkle & Mann Ltd. to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all our employees.

We will:

  • Provide and maintain a safe workplace with the buildings being of good repair, handrails provided where staircases exist and any floor openings being fenced or covered when not in use and the edges of openings marked.
  • Provide and maintain safe access to places of work, and maintain all areas in a safe condition ensuring that pedestrian walkways, gangways, steps, kerbs and fixed obstacles are clearly marked.
  • Ensure that floors, corridors, doors and stairs etc. are clean and in a good state of repair, with level, even surfaces, of a non-slip nature without holes or broken materials and that they remain free of obstructions.
  • Provide a hygienic workplace with clean, well-ventilated toilets, washbasins with hot & cold running water, soap and towels/dryer.
  • Provide rest facilities including hanging space for clothing & drying facilities for wet clothes.
  • Provide non-smoking rest facilities including facilities for eating food and a clean drinking water supply (marked if necessary to distinguish it from a non drinkable supply)
  • Ensure that any power-operated apparatus include adequate safety measures to prevent injury and where necessary have a readily identifiable and accessible control switch or device so that they can be stopped quickly in an emergency.
  • Ensure that safe arrangements are made for the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and materials.
  • Provide safe lighting in the workplace and will ensure a good level of local lighting at workstations where necessary.
  • Provide well designed workstations with work surfaces at a sensible height, high enough to give ample clearance above legs and adjustable chairs with tilting back rests to support the small of the back.
  • Provide comfortable working conditions with a reasonable temperature in work areas normally at least 16 degrees Celsius or 13 degrees Celsius for strenuous work and local heating or cooling where comfortable temperatures cannot be maintained throughout a working area.
  • Ensure sufficient space in work areas is available to enable safe access and allow people to move about with ease.
  • Provide protective clothing and equipment free of charge if required in the interests of health & safety.
  • Provide information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure the health & safety at work of our employees.
  • Provide a written statement of the company’s Health & Safety policy and ensure that all employees read and understand it.
  • Consult with safety representatives on matters affecting the safety, health and welfare of our employees and to forma safety committee if requested to do so.

Drinkle & Mann Ltd. recognise that prevention of accidents depend on a committed attitude of mind to safety as well as design, operation and maintenance of equipment, therefore employees are encouraged to observe safe working practices. Employees are expected to recognise the importance of self-discipline and to do everything they can to prevent injury to themselves and others and loss to the company.

The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 states that it shall be the duty of every employee while at work to take reasonable care for the Health & Safety of themselves and other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work.

As regards any duty or requirement imposed by their employer or any person by or under any of the relevant statutory provisions, to co-operate with them so far as is necessary to enable that duty or requirement to be performed or complied with.

No person shall intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interest of Health, Safety or Welfare

Under the act we all have a legal duty, no matter what type of work we are undertaking from flying speakers to gaffing down cable, the very nature of the work means that we could be exposing ourselves to a variety of common workplace hazards. Many accidents are caused through trips and falls, knocking into objects, unsafe use of hand tools and the failure to wear protective equipment. By applying more forethought, care and attention we can prevent these accidents through an awareness of our working environment.

Doug says:

"Safety is no accident..."


Section 3

Sub-Contractors & Temporary Workers

Sub-Contractors will be subject to assessment and approval to determine their competency to carry out work safely. It will be an absolute condition of contract that all Sub-Contractors comply with all the relevant statutes concerned with health & safety, in particular the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and all relevant statutory provisions.

Sub-Contractors need to comply with all reasonable company requirements as to the measures that they should take to discharge their responsibility and be aware and adhere to the company policy on health & safety.

Self-employed labour and other temporary workers will be assessed to determine their competency to operate safely prior to commencing work under company supervision.

Doug says:

"Safety is everybody's business"


Section 4

Accidents & Emergencies

In Case of an Accident
In Case of Hazard
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences

Far too many avoidable accidents occur both at business premises and during location projects. It is from reports of all accidents and incidents, including minor accidents, and ‘near misses’, that we can develop safer working methods.

  • Report all accidents and hazards promptly.
  • Report all accidents, however minor.
  • Ensure an entry is made in the accident book.
  • Know who your first aiders are.

The accident book is located in the hire department filing system, and is the responsibility of the resident first aider.

Any accidents occurring on location must be reported to the supervisor or location first aider whose responsibility it will be to keep a written record of the accident and update the company accident book at the next available convenience.

Resident First Aider: Neil Jones

Location First Aider: Neil Rankin

When on location we must make sure that we know the site Accident & Emergency procedures, this information is important to be established before you need it.

In Case of an Accident
(top of section)

  • Call or send for help. Only attempt a rescue if you can do so without placing yourself in danger.
  • Protect the casualty from more harm.
  • Report to your supervisor and first aider promptly.

In Case of Hazard
(top of section)
  • Warn others and where possible take steps to prevent harm or reduce the risk.
  • Report the hazard to your supervisor.
  • Don’t make repairs/adjustments unless you have been trained and told to do so.
  • It is your legal duty to report any accident or hazard to your supervisor.

Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
(top of section)
Death or Major Injuries
Over 3 Day Injuries
Dangerous Occurrence

Reporting accidents and ill health at work is a legal requirement but it is common sense to make sure we and our employees are safe by notifying the Health & Safety Executive of hazards that could be of relevance to others.

We are required to make a report to our Local Inspector for the following:
Death or Major Injuries

An employee or self employed person working on our premises or location under our control is killed or suffers a major injury (including as a result of physical violence).

A member of the public is killed or taken to hospital.

Reportable Major Injuries are:

  • Fracture other than to fingers, thumbs or toes.
  • Amputation.
  • Dislocation of the shoulder, hip, knee or spine.
  • Loss of sight (temporary or permanent).
  • Chemical or hot metal burn to the eye or any penetrating injury to the eye.
  • Injury resulting from an electric shock or electrical burn leading to unconsciousness or requiring resuscitation or admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours.
  • Any other injury leading to hypothermia; heat induced illness or unconsciousness; or requiring resuscitation; or admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours.
  • Unconsciousness caused by asphyxia or exposure to a harmful substance or biological agent.
  • Acute illness requiring medical treatment, or loss of consciousness arising from absorption of any substance by inhalation, ingestion or through the skin.
  • Acute illness requiring medical treatment where there is reason to believe that this resulted from exposure to a biological agent or its toxins or infected material.

Over 3 Day Injuries
(top of section)

An over 3 day injury is one which is not major but results in the injured person being away from work or unable to do the full range of their normal duties for more than 3 days. This includes any days they wouldn’t normally be expected to work such as weekends, rest days or holidays, not counting the day of injury itself.

A completed accident report form (F2508) must be sent to the enforcing authority within ten days of any reportable accidents occurring. F2508 report sheets are located in the hire department filing system and are available from the resident first aider.

(top of section)

If a doctor notifies us that an employee suffers from a reportable work related disease.

Reportable diseases include:

  • Certain poisonings.
  • Some skin diseases such as occupational dermatitis, skin cancer, chrome ulcer, oil folliculitis /acne.
  • Lung diseases including occupational asthma, farmer’s lung, pneumoconiosis, asbestosis, mesothelioma.
  • Infections such as leptospirosis, hepatitis, tuberculosis, anthrax, legionellosis and tetanus.
  • Other conditions such as: occupational cancer, certain musculoskeletal disorders, decompression illness and hand-arm vibration syndrome.

A completed disease report form (F2508A) must be sent to the enforcing authority within ten days of notification.

Dangerous Occurrence:

If something happens which does not result in a reportable injury, but which clearly could have done, it may be a dangerous occurrence that must be reported immediately (e.g. by telephone) to the enforcing authority. Within ten days this must be followed up with a completed accident report form (F2508).

Reportable Dangerous Occurrences are:
(top of section)

  • Collapse, overturning or failure of load bearing parts of lifts and lifting equipment.
  • Explosion, collapse or bursting of any closed vessel or associated pipe work.
  • Failure of any freight container in any of its load bearing parts.
  • Plant or equipment coming into contact with overhead power lines.
  • Electrical short-circuit or overload causing explosion or fire.
  • Any unintentional explosion, misfire, failure of demolition to cause the intended collapse, projection of material beyond a site boundary, injury caused by an explosion.
  • Accidental release of a biological agent likely to cause severe human illness.
  • Failure of industrial radiography or irradiation equipment to de-energise or return to its safe position after the intended exposure period.
  • Malfunction of breathing apparatus while in use or during testing immediately before use.
  • Failure or endangering of diving equipment, the trapping of a diver, an explosion near a diver, or an uncontrolled ascent.
  • Collapse or partial collapse of a scaffold over five metres high, or erected near water where there could be a risk of drowning after a fall.
  • Unintended collision of a train with any vehicle.
  • Dangerous occurrence at a well (other than a water well).
  • Dangerous occurrence at a pipeline.
  • Failure of any load bearing fairground equipment, or derailment or unintended collision of cars or trains.
  • A road tanker carrying a dangerous substance overturns, suffers serious damage, and catches fire or the substance is released.
  • A dangerous substance being conveyed by road is involved in a fire or released.
  • Unintended collapse of any building or structure under construction, alteration or demolition where over five tonnes of material falls.
  • Unintended collapse of a wall or floor in a place of work or any false work.
  • Explosion or fire causing suspension of normal work for over 24 hours.
  • Sudden uncontrolled release in a building of:

    • 100kg or more of a flammable liquid.
    • 10kg or more of a flammable liquid above it’s boiling point.
    • 10kg or more of a flammable gas
    • 500kg of these substances if the release is in the open air.

  • Accidental release of any substance that may damage health.

Records of any reportable injury, disease or dangerous occurrence must be kept for three years from the date on which the event occurred including:

  • Date & method of reporting
  • Date, time & place of the event
  • Personal details of those involved
  • A brief description of the nature of the event or disease

Doug says:

"If you break your legs don't come running to me"


Section 5

First Aid

Under Health & Safety regulations it is the responsibility of the employer to provide First Aid facilities appropriate to the number of people employed and the particular risks of the work being undertaken.

Make sure that you are aware of where and how to obtain First Aid, find out now while you don’t need it, and not when you have blood gushing from a major artery!

  • First Aid should only be administered by qualified personnel, except in severe cases of bleeding or cessation of breathing.
  • Have all injuries properly treated, even minor wounds can lead to major surgery if not attended to properly.
  • Only move an injured person if it will prevent him from sustaining further injury
  • Some injuries such as eye contamination need specialist treatment. Don’t let a well-meaning amateur worsen the injury, get proper treatment immediately.
  • Report all injuries and ensure that all details are properly recorded.

A trained First Aider or appointed person relief cover will be provided at all times when employees are at work, both on the business premises and on location assignments.

Their duties include:

  • Taking Charge of the situation in the event of a serious injury/illness occurring
  • Summoning the Emergency services when necessary
  • Communication skills
  • Maintaining First Aid Box contents

If you require First Aid while at the Eccles premises please contact the resident First Aider whose details will be posted on the Health & Safety notice board situated at the foot of the stairs. The first aid box is located on the wall immediately to the right of the main exit from the warehouse.

Resident First Aider: Neil Jones

If you require First Aid when on location assignments please refer to the location First Aider, they will have a First Aid Box and will have made themselves aware of site procedures regarding the provision of First Aid and Medical Emergencies.

Location First Aider: Neil Rankin

Ray says:

"I'm Professionally Trained in Thirst Aid!"


Section 6

Fire Emergency Instructions & Prevention

If you discover a fire:
  • Immediately raise the alarm.
  • Attack the fire if possible with appliances provided, if trained to do so.
  • Do not take personal risks.

On hearing alarm of fire:
An appointed person will call the Fire Brigade
  • Evacuate Building immediately ensuring nobody is left in your area.
  • Use nearest available exit.
  • Do not stop to collect personal belongings.
  • Go straight to the designated assembly point which is:
The Car Park at the front of the building.
  • Do not re-enter building until officially instructed to do so.

When on location be sure to make yourself aware of site procedures regarding evacuation during a Fire or any other emergency situation before the need arises.

Fire Prevention & Protection
(top of section)
  • Keep all fire exits clear - doors and access routes.
  • Keep fire extinguishers free from obstructions and readily available in their designated areas.
  • Ensure you know the location of fire extinguishers, how to identify the different types of extinguishers and their uses, and how to operate them.

Remember Red water extinguishers must never be used on electrical fires

  • Do not smoke in areas marked NO SMOKING or NO NAKED FLAME.

  • Familiarise yourself with the location of fire exits.

  • Ensure chains are not put on fire doors.

  • Do not prop open fire doors, they must always be closed.

  • Maintain good house keeping habits by not allowing combustible materials and debris to accumulate. Empty waste bins regularly.
  • Do not use unofficial heating, lighting or cooking appliances.

  • Store Flammable & Explosive materials safely & correctly.
  • Do not put clothing, tea towels and towels on or near heating appliances.

  • Ensure all electrical appliances are in good repair; remove any defective appliances from use until they have been correctly repaired.
  • At the end of work switch off all non-essential electrical equipment.
  • Close all doors & windows before leaving premises.


Section 7

Gas Safety

If there is suspicion of a gas leak turn off the supply and notify your gas supplier immediately if gas continues to escape.

  • Ensure a suspected gas leak is not checked with a naked flame.
  • Ensure NO SMOKING is allowed in the vicinity of any suspected leak.
  • If necessary, evacuate as required until leak is stabilised.
  • Ensure adequate ventilation- air inlets should not be blocked.
  • Use only competent fitters, CORGI registered gas installers are the only ones permitted by law to work on a gas appliance, fitting or storage vessel.
  • Do not use or allow the use of any appliance you know or suspect is unsafe.
  • Have appliances regularly serviced by a competent person.

When on location be sure to notify the relevant persons if you suspect a gas leak, make yourself aware of site procedures regarding emergency situations.

Doug says:

"If it smells funny in the toilets try some air freshener!"


Section 8

General Safety Rules & Procedures

Training & Supervision

The safety of the workplace is the responsibility of everyone, we all have a part to play in helping to provide and maintain an accident free working environment.

In order to achieve this it is very important to follow the proper safety rules and common sense safety practices at all times.

  • Treatment should be sought for all accidents, and incidents reported.
  • Report unsafe conditions, tools, equipment and practices.
  • Drinking of alcoholic beverages, carrying of firearms, fighting or the use of illegal drugs is prohibited within working hours. Any person who is unable to perform their duties satisfactorily as a result of consuming alcoholic liquor will be prohibited from working. The misuse of legal drugs is prohibited, as is the possession, distribution or sale of illegal drugs.
  • Safety equipment for use on the job is not to be tampered with, misused or damaged in any way.
  • Never run in the working areas or along corridors.

  • Ensure effective communication between crew to ensure an awareness of each other’s activities. You need to be aware of the movement of equipment and people around you.
  • Fire fighting equipment must not be used for washing down or any other non-emergency purposes.
  • Use only equipment in good repair, ensure it is the right equipment for the job; never try to make do with damaged or unsuitable equipment.
  • Ensure any equipment and machinery is switched off when not attended and at the end of the working day.
  • Ensure that any unfinished jobs are left in a safe state with all tools put away correctly and any structures secured.
  • Do not walk or stand under loads carried by power operated equipment.
  • Ensure that all personnel working in your vicinity are aware of any obstructions or openings you create by the use of warning notices.

  • Ensure that pedestrian walkways, gangways steps, kerbs and fixed obstacles are clearly marked. Usually with white gaffer tape on dark surfaces or black on light surfaces and kept clean and clear of any materials.
  • Ensure that all cable runs are tidy and covered anywhere they could potentially be a tripping hazard, paying particular attention to Fire exits and passageways.
  • Ensure that equipment is stacked correctly or that any rigging is secure and safe.
  • All clothing should fit properly and be in good condition.

When on location make sure you are aware of any additional site rules and procedures regarding Health & Safety.

Training & Supervision
(top of section)

Induction safety training will be given to every person at the commencement of employment and where entering locations for the first time. Job specific safety training in the use of equipment, hazard awareness and risk control measures will be provided to cater for identified needs.

Work activities will be properly supervised to ensure that employees at all levels are provided with appropriate information, materials tools/equipment and personal protective equipment to carry out the work safely.

(top of section)

Not only is horseplay a dangerous activity, it is also an offence under the Health & Safety at Work Act. Horseplay, skylarking, practical jokes or whatever else you may call it can result in serious disabling injuries.

So the message is quite clear - DON’T DO IT.

(top of section)

This is one of the most important items influencing safety. Cleaning up as you go must be the rule so that it doesn’t become a burden and a hazard.

  • Keep fire exit routes, corridors, aisles, passageways, stairways and doors free from materials, supplies and obstructions of every kind.
  • Keep floors free from debris and clean up any spillage promptly.
  • Keep all materials & equipment away from the edges of hoist ways, ladder access, stairways and floor openings.
  • Tools not in use should not be left lying around, put them away when a job is finished so as not to create a hazard.
  • Toilets, wash up facilities and drinking water are provided for your use and comfort. Please help to keep these facilities clean and tidy.
  • The smoking policy of the working location is to be complied with at all times.

Doug says:

"A clean site is a safe site"


Section 9

Employees Working Alone

Often in the course of our business here at Drinkle & Mann Ltd. people are sent into a working situation on their own. This would be when it is deemed that the job is of such a nature that a single person could competently and safely complete the tasks required.

We must ensure that lone workers are not placed at more risk that other employees so each individual assignment must be examined to assess all risks by considering certain points and guidelines:

  • Can one person handle all the equipment involved in the work safely and correctly?
  • Is there safe access available for one person; if stairs are to be negotiated is one person still sufficient?
  • Is there any excessive weight in the equipment to be used? There is a difference between being able to lift a piece of equipment and being able to carry it over a short distance or up a flight of stairs.
  • Is adequate security in place for the equipment, vehicle etc. if only one person is assigned to a task? They may be called away temporarily e.g. Bathroom necessities.
  • Is sufficient time available for the task or would one person be compromising safety by rushing to complete a task within a given time-scale?
  • Is any risk of violence increased by the assignment of a solo worker?
  • Are women and young workers especially at risk if they are working alone?
  • Ensure that you are aware of any laws that may prohibit lone working e.g. pyrotechnic procedures, rigging at heights etc.
  • Where a lone worker is working at another employer’s workplace they must be made aware of any risks and control measures that should be taken.
  • Ensure that lone workers have no medical conditions, which make them unsuitable for working alone.
  • Ensure that all lone workers are responsible and have sufficient training, as there is limited supervision in situations of uncertainty.
  • Ensure regular contact between the lone worker and supervision using either a telephone or radio.

If a job is not suitable for a lone worker then arrangements must be made for providing help. Safety must always be the first priority.


Section 10

Electrical Procedures

Safe Installation & Operation
Insulation, Protection & Earthing
Portable Electrical Equipment
Overhead Electric Lines
Underground Cables

Electric shock is a major hazard; it can cause fires, physical injury and can KILL!

All electricity installations must comply with the Health & Safety requirements as outlined in the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989.

It is extremely important that our use of electricity is done in a safe, responsible manner, defective plugs, sockets and leads cause more electrical accidents than the appliances themselves.

Safe Installation & Operation
(top of section)

  • All electrical equipment and work on electrical equipment and services must comply with regulations.
  • Do not allow anyone to work on or near live equipment, unless it is unavoidable and special precautions are taken.
  • During any work all electrical equipment must be isolated, fuses removed, warning notices displayed and other necessary action must be taken to ensure the safety of personnel.
  • Energised wiring in junction boxes, circuit breakers, panels and similar places must always be covered.
  • Fuses, circuit breakers etc. must be correctly rated for the circuits they protect.
  • Provide enough socket outlets using a multi-plug socket block rather than an overloaded adapter, which can lead to fire hazards.
  • Do not bypass manufacturers installed safety devices.
  • Never interfere with any electrical equipment or wiring.
  • There must be a switch or fixed isolator near each fixed machine to cut off power in an emergency.
  • The mains switch must be readily accessible and clearly marked.

When on location familiarise yourself with the electrical installation; ensure you are aware of the location of relevant breakers and isolation units.

  • Take care when calculating power consumption so as not to overload circuitry.
  • Always make sure you know exactly WHAT AND WHERE you are plugging into to avoid personal injury and damage to equipment.
Insulation, Protection & Earthing
(top of section)

  • Power cables to machines must be properly insulated, e.g. sheathed and armoured or installed in conduit. Earth connections must be in good condition.
  • Any exposed metal parts of electrical tools and appliances must be adequately earthed.
  • When using flexible cable, always use a proper plug with the flex firmly clamped to stop the wires pulling out of the terminals.
  • Ensure proper connection of tools with only two wires (Live & Neutral).
  • Ensure plugs, sockets and fittings are sufficiently robust and adequately protected for the working environment.
  • Ensure regular checks for easily damaged items and replace frayed and damaged cables completely.
  • Use special protection when using electrical equipment in a flammable or dusty environment, choosing the correct equipment may require specialist advice.
  • When using electrostatic equipment (e.g. paint sprayers), ensure adequate earthing by using antistatic footwear to prevent a build up of electrostatic charge that can cause a spark.
  • Never operate electrical equipment while standing on damp or wet surfaces unless you are wearing rubber boots. Ensure that your hands are dry.
  • When carrying or pouring organic powders (e.g. Flour, Tea Dust) or flammable liquids, use closed metal containers and make sure all metal work is bonded and earthed.
  • Cables passing through work areas and thoroughfares must be covered or elevated to protect it from damage, which could cause injury to personnel.
  • Splices in trailing cable must be made of mechanically strong components and insulated to retain the mechanical & electrical strength of the original cable.
(top of section)

All electrical equipment, wiring installations, generators or battery sets and everything connected to them, must be maintained to prevent danger. This means carrying out checks and inspections and repairing and testing as necessary.

  • Ensure suspect or faulty equipment is taken out of use, labelled "Do not use" and kept secure until a competent person can check it.
  • Ensure that the person responsible for health & safety at your location is kept informed of any equipment that is faulty.
  • Test the residual current device. This only involves pushing a button and can help to maintain the effectiveness of the device.
  • Tools and power sockets should be switched off before plugging in or unplugging.
  • Equipment should always be unplugged before cleaning or making adjustments.
  • Ensure consideration is given to electrical safety of Sub hired equipment.
  • Ensure that special maintenance instructions for waterproof and explosion protected equipment have been recorded and that any work carried out adheres to these instructions so as not to damage the protection.
  • Don’t ignore tell tale signs such as faulty switching or intermittent stopping. These may indicate an internal fault such as a loose wire, which could cause external metalwork to become live.
Portable Electrical Equipment
(top of section)

This section covers equipment that has a lead and a plug and is usually moved around or can easily be moved from place to place. A lot of the equipment used by Drinkle & Mann Ltd. falls into this category.

Many accidents occur due to hand tools being poorly maintained or misused.

All equipment should be inspected before it leaves the premises to ensure that we are not sending out a potential hazard.

Ensure equipment is turned off; disconnect the plug and then look for the following:

  • Damage, e.g. cuts, abrasion (apart from light scuffing) to the cable covering.
  • Damage to the plug, e.g. the casing is cracked or the pins are bent.
  • Non-standard joints including taped joints in the cable.
  • The outer covering (sheath) of the cable not being gripped where it enters the plug or the equipment. Look to see if the coloured insulation of the internal wires is showing.
  • Equipment that has been used in conditions where it is not suitable, e.g. a wet or dusty workplace.
  • Damage to the outer cover of the equipment or obvious loose parts or screws.
  • Overheating (burn marks & staining).

In addition, formal inspection includes removal of the plug cover and checking that:

  • A fuse is being used (i.e. it is a proper fuse and not a piece of wire or a nail, etc.).
  • The cord is holding the outer part (sheath) of the cable correctly.
  • The wires, including the earth where fitted are attached to the correct terminals.
  • No bare wire is visible other than at the terminals.
  • The terminal screws are tight.
  • There is no sign of internal damage, overheating or entry of liquid, dust or dirt.

This does not apply to moulded plugs where only the fuse can be checked. Most of these checks also apply to extension leads and their plugs and sockets.

We encourage employees to look for external damage to the equipment before they use it and if necessary report damaged or faulty equipment.

  • Check that hand-held or hand operated electrically powered tools are in good condition and hold a current portable appliance test (PAT) certificate.
  • Power operated tools should only be operated by people trained and competent in their use.
  • Power tools should never be hoisted or lowered by the flex.
  • Make sure the switch is off before plugging into an electrical outlet.
  • Keep moving parts of power tools away from the body.
  • When using power tools in limited movement areas ensure to get a good footing, use both hands, keep cords clear of obstructions and do not over-reach.
  • Before putting a tool down make sure it is switched off and is no longer in motion.
Overhead Electric Lines
(top of section)

Electricity can flash from overhead power lines even though plant and equipment may not touch them.

  • Do not work where any equipment could come within 9m of a power line without seeking advice from the electric company.
  • Take care that mobile towers, ladders and scaffolds do not come anywhere near overhead cables.
  • Never uses aluminium ladders or steps where any electrical hazard exists.
Underground cables
(top of section)

We have to be aware of the risk from power lines hidden in the ground, if we are probing anything below the visual surface then there are measures to be considered.

  • Consult the local Electricity Company if you are likely to be digging or staking near buried cables, they should know where these are.
  • Always assume that cables will be present when digging holes in the street, pavement or near buildings. If you have to work near services, use service plans, locators and safe digging practices to avoid danger.
  • Take sufficient care when staking poles for outdoor events, organisers may have shallow buried power cables across the areas where you are setting up.

Ensure that you are aware of these safety precautions and keep vigilant on electrical safety because the consequences can lead to tragedy.

Doug says:

"To stay alive you have to stay alert!"


Section 11

Equipment Use & Maintenance


We must ensure that the equipment we are using is safe and suitable for the tasks in hand, including the environment in which it is to be used.

  • Think about the work that has to be done. What results are we trying to achieve? Then work from this to establish the type of equipment required.
  • Ensure equipment is used solely for its intended purpose and is of the right specification to do the job correctly.
  • Consider the preparation, and work involved in the setting up & breakdown of the equipment.
  • Consider electrical power supplies & equipment consumption.
  • Ensure the correct amount of crew to handle and operate the equipment correctly & safely.
  • Ensure that equipment is only used by people who have the necessary skills and knowledge.
  • Ensure use of equipment that involves a specific risk is restricted to trained persons given the task of using it. (E.g. Mobile Scaffold towers erection.)
  • After choosing the right equipment for the job, consider the location of equipment and ensure it is situated in a safe place not obstructing any points of access, thoroughfares or emergency exits.
  • Ensure that all equipment is in good working condition and set up correctly and safely in a manner that creates no or extremely minimal risk to employees or members of the public.
  • Never use equipment that is not in good mechanical/electrical condition.
  • Ensure visual checks are made daily before operation of equipment and that good housekeeping practice is adopted. (E.g. be aware of tripping hazards.)
  • Ensure adequate lighting to be able to safely set up, operate and breakdown any equipment.
(top of section)

We need to regularly maintain our equipment to ensure that it is kept in a good safe working condition. We must also consider the risks involved in the maintenance of equipment and tools.

  • Ensure that equipment is made safe before any maintenance begins.
  • Isolate electrical and other power supplies.
  • Isolate plant & pipelines containing pressurised fluid, gas, steam or hazardous material.
  • Ensure support is given to any equipment or parts of equipment that could fall.
  • Use the manufacturer’s maintenance instructions where available & provided.
  • Ensure control switches are visible and clearly marked to show what they do.
  • Have emergency stop controls within easy reach if necessary.
  • Ensure to use personal protective equipment appropriate for the job to be done where necessary.
  • Always use the correct tool for the job; never ‘make do’.
  • Replace tools when they become worn or damaged beyond repair.
  • Use the right sized spanner for the nut.
  • Ensure tools are never used as levers.
  • Keep edges of cutting tools, saws, chisels, drills etc. sharp and in good condition.
  • Handles should be properly fitted, secure and free from splits.
(top of section)

We must store our equipment & tools safely so as not to cause a hazard to our employees or anyone visiting our premises.

  • Equipment should be stored and stacked on a firm, level base so that they are not likely to fall. Use a properly constructed rack when needed and secure it to the floor or wall if possible.
  • Ensure that all racking is erected safely & properly.
  • Do not exceed the safe load for racks, shelves or floors or allow items to stick out from stacks or bins into gangways.
  • Ensure that all employees are adequately trained in safe stacking.
  • Ensure stacks are stable, chock pipes & drums to prevent rolling and keep heavy articles near floor level.
  • Ensure limits are set for the height of stacks so as to maintain stability.
  • Keep fire exit routes, corridors, aisles, passageways, stairways and doors free from materials, supplies and obstructions of every kind.
  • Ensure employees do not climb racks to reach upper shelves.
  • Tools not in use should not be left lying around, put them away when a job is finished so as not to create a hazard.
  • Protect sharp edges of tools that are to be stored or covered. Uncovered Stanley knives kept in pockets cause many hand injuries.

We must also ensure that equipment on location is stored safely and securely so as not to cause potential hazard or inconvenience to our clients, location staff (e.g. banquet staff) or members of the public.


Section 12

Hazardous Substances
Use Substances Safely
Flammable Liquids
Flammable & Combustible Solids

The company has procedures for compliance with the requirements of current rules and regulations on all hazardous substances. You should always comply with these rules and follow the instructions of the Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Assessment.

Use Substances Safely
(top of section)

  • Always read labels & safety data sheets for hazards of substances or their ingredients before you use, transport or store any substances. If in doubt contact the supplier.
  • Follow the instructions on the label.
  • Promptly report missing or damaged labels.
  • If a substance is transferred to smaller containers, ensure a label is used detailing the contents, composition, hazards, first aid and what to do in the event of an accident.
  • Do not store chemicals in open containers such as jam-jars or bottles.
  • Report any hazard or defect; don’t assume someone else will do it.
  • Assess storage risks by considering the substances and amounts stored.
  • Keep dangerous chemicals locked away and in covered containers.
  • Never mix two substances together unless the instructions say it is safe to do so.
  • Report any leakage or spillage immediately.
  • Use personal protective equipment provided where necessary.
  • Do not smoke, eat or drink while using hazardous substances.
  • Follow good personal hygiene, remove protective clothing and always wash thoroughly before smoking or consuming food and drink.
  • Do not siphon or pipette hazardous chemicals by mouth- use a pump or hand operated siphon.
  • Do not transfer contamination. (e.g. by putting pens/pencils in your mouth)
  • Ensure to keep your skin clean, wash off any spills immediately and get prompt first aid treatment for minor cuts. Check your skin regularly and seek medical advice at once for any rashes though use of hazardous substances.
(top of section)

Because of the long term effects of exposure to asbestos, if during the course of your work you suspect that you may be exposed, do not disturb the asbestos and seek advice immediately. Remember you have a duty not to do anything that places yourself or others at risk. This is both a moral and legal duty.

Flammable Liquids
(top of section)

The conditions under which highly flammable liquids, including gases, are stored and used are controlled by legal standards.

  • Highly flammable liquids must be stored in strong, screw-capped drums or jerry cans that are clearly marked ‘ HIGHLY FLAMMABLE’. They must be kept in proper locations and not on stairways or passages.
  • Do not smoke, and exclude all means of ignition, i.e. pilot lights, electrical contactors, heaters etc, when using flammable liquids. Remember the vapours may be heavier than air and form low layers at ground/floor level. They can travel some distance undetected.
  • Flammable liquids should be stored in a secure area protected from direct sunlight and away from other buildings, stores or boundary fences.
  • If highly flammable liquids have to be stored inside you must not keep more than 50 litres and they should be stored on their own in a special metal cupboard or bin.
  • Ensure only the minimum amount is kept in the workplace.
  • Dispense and use in a safe place with adequate natural or mechanical ventilation.
  • Do not open more containers of flammable liquids than needed for immediate use.
  • Caps & stoppers are to be replaced on all containers when not in use. Supposedly empty containers or cylinders can catch fire or even explode.
  • Use the correct method for the disposal of empty containers.
  • Remove all combustible materials from areas where flammable liquids are used or stored.
  • Contain spillage by dispensing over a tray or having absorbent material handy.
  • Ensure you have a Fire Extinguisher of the right type readily available when working with flammable liquids.
Flammable & Combustible Solids
(top of section)

Plastic foams are a high fire risk and need careful control, both in storage and in the workroom; treat them like other flammable materials. Ensure that combustible solids are stored correctly to minimise potential fire hazard and that debris and waste are disposed of efficiently.

When on Location ensure you make yourself aware of the site procedures and legislation regarding the use and storage of all hazardous substances.


Section 13

Smoking, Alcohol & Drug Abuse

It is the policy of Drinkle & Mann Ltd. to provide a safe, healthy smoke free workplace. We recognise the needs of non-smokers who do not wish to breathe tobacco smoke risking damage to their health through passive smoking which can worsen asthma and cause lung cancer.

  • Smoking must be confined to the designated areas only. Anyone caught smoking in non-smoking areas will be dealt with accordingly.
  • When working on location smokers must make themselves aware and adhere to site regulations regarding smoking, making careful judgement about whether or not it is appropriate to smoke at all.

It is the policy of Drinkle & Mann Ltd. that all employees will be free from the effects of the following during working hours:

  1. Consumption of Alcohol
  2. Substance Abuse
  3. Drug Abuse: The taking of illicit drugs or misuse of prescribed drugs.

Company vehicle drivers are reminded that it is illegal to drive any vehicle whilst under the influence of alcohol. Any substance abuse or drug misuse/abuse could seriously affect your driving capability and, as such, is prohibited whenever you may be planning to /or are driving a company vehicle.

The quality of the workplace and the health of our employees, or anyone else who may be affected by our actions are always of paramount importance. Abuse of the above can impair judgement and alter perception creating hazardous risks, which are unnecessary and unacceptable.

Anyone found participating in, or attending work under the influence of the above, shall be suspended immediately and disciplined accordingly.


Section 14

Transportation & Driving

Nobody is allowed to drive a company vehicle of any type unless they are fully authorised to do so, and have a current driving licence. If you drive a company vehicle, always handle it with due consideration for the safety of yourself and other people.

  • Although Government legislation allows drivers a small percentage of alcohol the company policy is one of zero tolerance. Don’t Drink & Drive.
  • Ensure that vehicles are checked regularly and any faults rectified promptly.
  • Ensure to check water, oil, windscreen wash and fuel regularly, never start a journey with less than half a tank of fuel.
  • Ensure that all drivers adhere to speed limits and the Highway Code.
  • Ensure supervision of vehicle movements particularly when reversing and near blind corners always using recognised signals.
  • Ensure you are aware of any obstructions behind your vehicle prior to reversing.
  • Ensure to know the height and width of your vehicle and be aware of restrictions on these elements. (E.g. Multi-storey car parks, narrow lanes, fast food drive-thru etc.)
  • Where necessary consider the use of mirrors, high visibility clothing, audible alarms and lighting both of the workplace and on vehicles.
  • Ensure when loading & unloading that you are situated in a position that is safe to do so without risk to yourself, other road users or pedestrians.
  • Never load any vehicle in such a way that will interfere with the safe driving or operation of the vehicle.
  • Ensure vehicles are loaded correctly and safely, minimising risk of rolling or movement of carriage.
  • Ensure that ramps or provision for heavy loading is considered accordingly.
  • Carefully consider the security of vehicles and their contents; never leave loaded vehicles unattended in a non-secure location.
  • Be sure to park vehicles in secure areas after loading/unloading.
  • Ensure that vehicles are locked and any alarm or anti-theft devices provided are in place before leaving a vehicle unattended.
  • When driving alone never leave valuables in plain view on the passenger seat, and always keep the passenger door locked for safety.
  • Keep keys secure in the designated area when vehicles are not in use and do not remove any ‘spare’ vehicle keys without express permission to do so.
  • Ensure to take sufficient rest breaks on long journeys, fatigue is dangerous.
  • Ensure to have clear, suitable directions before departure, never try to map read while driving.
  • Use only hands-free kits for mobile phones, pullover safely to make or receive calls and never read or write text messages while driving.
  • Never pick up strangers or hitchhikers in a company vehicle.


Section 15

Manual Handling
Good handling Technique
Repetetive Handling

Statistics show that a considerable proportion of time lost through sickness is because of strains, many of which are caused by faulty manual handling techniques.

As a company we need to consider the risks from manual handling to the health & safety of our employees and act accordingly to minimise these risks.

  • Avoid the need for hazardous manual handling as far as is reasonably practicable through reorganisation of work or automating tasks where applicable.
  • Assess the risk of injury in relation to the load, task, working environment and the capabilities of the handler from any manual handling that cannot be avoided.
  • Reduce the risk of injury from hazardous manual handling, as far as is reasonably practicable by making appropriate changes such as providing mechanical help such as sack trucks or hoists, or through making loads smaller and lighter.

Employees also have duties they must adhere to in the process of manual handling.

  • Follow appropriate systems of work laid down for the safety of yourself and those around you.
  • Make proper use of equipment provided for the safety of yourself and those around you.
  • Co-operate with employers on health & safety matters.
  • Apply the duties of employers, as appropriate, to your own manual handling activities.
  • Take care to ensure that your activities do not put others at risk.

How much someone can lift and carry depends on a number of factors- the fitness and robustness of the person and the awkwardness of the load being two of the most important. Before handling any object, it is sensible to ensure that there is adequate room, a clear path to the destination and adequate room to set down the load.

Good Handling Technique
(top of section)

Here are some important points, using a basic lifting operation as an example.

Stop and think

  • Plan the lift.
  • Where is the load to be placed?
  • Use appropriate handling aids if possible.
  • Do you need help with the load?
  • Remove obstructions such as discarded wrapping materials.
  • Check for rough or sharp edges.
  • For a long lift, such as floor to shoulder height, consider resting the load mid-way on a table or bench in order to change grip.
  • Always wear the appropriate protective clothing including gloves.
Position the feet

  • Feet apart, giving a balanced and stable base for lifting (Tight skirts and unsuitable footwear make this difficult).
  • Keep the feet as close to the load as possible.
  • Leading leg as far forward as is comfortable.
Adopt a good posture

  • When lifting from a low-level bend the knees taking care not to kneel or over flex the knees.
  • Keep the back straight.
  • Tuck in the chin
  • Lean forwards a little over the load if necessary to get a good grip.
  • Keep the shoulders level and facing in the same direction as the hips.
Get a firm grip

  • Try to keep the arms within the boundary formed by the legs.
  • The best position and type of grip depends on the circumstances and individual preference but it must be secure.
  • A hook grip is less tiring than keeping the fingers straight.
  • If you need to vary the grip as the lift proceeds, do it as smoothly as possible.
Keep close to the load

  • Keep the load close to the trunk for as long as possible.
  • Keep the heaviest side of the load next to the trunk.
  • If a close approach to the load is not possible, slide it towards you before trying to lift.
Don’t jerk

  • Lift using the legs.
  • Lift smoothly without jerking.
  • Keep control of the load.
Move the feet

  • Don’t twist the trunk when turning to the side
Put down, and then adjust

  • If precise positioning of the load is necessary put it down first.
  • Slide it into the desired position once down.

Doug says:

"If in doubt ask for help"

Repetitive Handling
(top of section)

Repeated or awkward movements which are too forceful, too fast or carried out for too long can lead to disorders of the arms, hands or neck. (E.g. gripping, squeezing, pressing, awkward hand or arm movements, repeated continuous movements which are too fast and unvaried or tied to the speed of a machine)

  • Reduce repetitive movements by varying tasks and rotating jobs.
  • Use power driven tools and reduce machine paces.
  • Ensure adequate rest and recovery time.
  • Take care when designing jobs and setting work speeds.
  • Reduce the levels of force required by maintaining equipment and using tools with well-designed handles.
  • Eliminate awkward positions by changing the workstation or work.


Section 16

Working at Height
Trestles & Stepladders
Scaffolds & Mobile Tower Scaffolds
Scissor Lifts & Knuckle Booms (Cherry Pickers)
Roof Work

Every year many workers are killed or seriously injured as a result of falls from height. All employees must take particular care when working at heights and using equipment such as ladders, scaffolding and elevating platforms. When equipment is supplied by the client, Hire Company or another contractor, the individual user has a responsibility to inspect the equipment and to satisfy themselves that it conforms to the appropriate regulations and must be maintained to that standard.

(top of section)

  • Is your ladder safe? Make sure it is strong enough for the job and inspect ladders for defects before use.
  • Ladders that are broken or damaged (e.g. rungs cracked or missing) should not be used. Repair or destroy them immediately.
  • Ladders for repair must be marked ‘DO NOT USE’.
  • Do not use makeshift or homemade ladders or carry out makeshift repairs to a damaged ladder.
  • Do not paint ladders or use painted ladders as paint hides defects.
  • Aluminium ladders must not be used where any electrical hazard exists.
  • Set ladders properly on a firm, level base ensuring they are securely tied or footed and cannot slip outwards or sideways.
  • Do not set ladders on loose material or use wedges to level ladders on uneven ground.
  • Ladders must be set 1 foot out at the base for every 4 feet of ladder height (75 degrees).
  • Erected ladders should extend at least 1metre above the landing place.
  • Do not lash two shorter ladders together to obtain a desired length.
  • Do not place ladders on boxes, or other unstable bases to gain extra height.
  • Do not use a ladder longer than 6metres as a workplace unless it is fixed or tied.
  • When carrying ladders single-handed be especially careful to ensure that the ladder clears persons and objects in the vicinity.
  • When a ladder is erected in a place where it may be struck, (i.e. passageways) a suitable barrier or guard must protect it. If placed behind a door, the door should be locked shut or secured in the open position with a man on guard.
  • Do not carry items up or down a ladder, tools should be carried in a belt or shoulder bag, alternatively they may be lifted and lowered using a suitable line.
  • Face the ladder and use both hands to climb taking care to obtain a safe footing.
  • Do not over reach from ladders or straddle between ladders and other footholds.
  • Ensure footwear is in good condition and clean of mud or grease before climbing.
  • Clean wet, icy or greasy rungs before use.
  • Use a safety harness secured to an approved anchor point when hands are needed to be free for working.
  • Never allow more than one person on a ladder at a time.

Trestles & Stepladders
(top of section)

Trestle scaffolds are only intended for light work of short duration, and are simply working platforms supported by ‘A’ frames or similar folding supports.

  • Always set trestles on firm ground and not more than 1.37metres apart when using scaffold boards or not more than 3metres when using staging.
  • Always select the trestle height so that the upper third is unused.
  • Trestle scaffolds must not be used if a person is liable to fall more than 2 metres from the working platform.
  • Never use a trestle as a pair of steps; use only in the fully open position with boards or staging.
  • Before using folding steps, always check for soundness as with ladders. Check that hinges, cords or restraining stays are in good order.
  • Always place steps on a firm level base when in use.
  • Never stand on top of a stepladder unless it is fitted with a hand or knee rail.
  • Never stand on top of swing-back steps.

Scaffolds & Mobile Tower Scaffolds
(top of section)

The erection of scaffold is a skilled task that should only be carried out by trained and competent persons.

System scaffolds must only be erected or altered by experienced persons under the supervision of a competent person.

Special scaffolds and the higher tube & fitting scaffolds must only be erected or altered by a suitably qualified scaffolder.

Prefabricated towers must only be erected or altered by those who have successfully completed a course of instruction appropriate to the particular tower in use.

  • Always inspect a scaffold before using it and report any defects.
  • Do not exceed the maximum height allowed for a given base dimension. Normally the base: height ratio is 1: 3 for an untied tower.
  • Do not mix components from different types of scaffold.
  • Take care that scaffolds and mobile towers do not come anywhere near overhead electrical cables.
  • When using scaffolds be wary of unauthorised alterations by other people which may have left dangerous gaps in decking etc. Do simple visual checks on the scaffold yourself as you carry out your job.
  • Do not work off incomplete scaffolds.
  • Ensure platforms more than 2metres from the ground have guardrails and toe boards. Brick guards or similar will often be needed to provide extra protection to prevent materials falling.
  • Ensure that platforms are wide enough for the work to be done and are fully boarded, 3 to 5 boards wide depending on use.
  • Ensure boards are properly supported and do not overhang excessively. At least 3 supports not more than 1.5metres apart.
  • Do not overload the working platform or apply pressure that could overturn the tower. E.g. working off a ladder placed on top of the working platform.
  • Ensure that working platforms are kept clean and clear from tripping hazards.
  • Never move tower scaffolds with people, equipment, tools or materials on the platform.
  • Lock castors on tower scaffolds to prevent movement when working.
  • Ensure when moving the tower that there are no power lines in the way or obstructions or hazards. E.g. holes in the ground.

Scissor Lifts & Knuckle Booms (Cherry Pickers)
(top of section)

Equipment of this nature should be operated only by people who are qualified in the safe use and operation of a Mobile Elevating Work Platform (MEWP).

  • Ensure to inspect the machine and fill in the logbook daily before use, report any faults immediately, never use a faulty machine.
  • Ensure that these machines are used only on smooth even terrain.
  • Ensure cage door is closed before operation of machine.
  • Ensure before operation that there are no power lines in the way or obstructions or hazards.
  • Ensure that a body safety harness is worn and connected to an authorised anchor point at all times during work at height.
  • Take care not to overload the cage or upset the balance of the machine.
  • Never overreach from the cage, you could fall or topple the balance.
  • Never drive a fully extended machine.
  • When on Location make yourself aware of site procedures regarding the use and restrictions of a MEWP.

Roof Work
(top of section)

  • Have safe access onto and off the roof.
  • Have safe means of moving across the roof. On sloping and fragile roofs you will require purpose made roof ladders or crawling boards.
  • Cover openings & roof lights, or provide barriers.
  • Do not walk along the line of the roof bolts above the purlins or along the roof edge of a fragile roof. This is as unsafe as walking a tightrope.
  • Use edge protection at the open edge/eaves level of a roof to stop people and materials falling off it.


Section 17

Rigging & Lifting Equipment

Safe slinging and rigging operations can only be carried out if the right equipment is available and used.

Equipment used in lifting operations must be:

  • Properly constructed & maintained.
  • Free from any defect or damage affecting its strength.
  • Regularly examined.
  • Securely attached to the load.

Above all, it must not be overloaded.

All lifting and rigging operations are to be carried out in a safe and professional manner; every care is to be taken to protect other personnel, clients, the public and other operatives.

The following precautions must be observed when using lifting & rigging equipment.

  • Operations must be undertaken only by trained and competent persons.
  • Only lifting/rigging equipment that has test certificates and current inspection reports should be used.
  • All items of lifting equipment should be inspected by the operative before use. Damaged or defective equipment should not be used and should be labelled ‘DO NOT USE’ until the necessary repairs have been carried out.
  • Do not use lifting equipment for any load exceeding its stated Safe Working Load (SWL).
  • All hooks used for lifting must be fitted with a safety catch, or should be moused, or so shaped as to prevent the sling eye or load coming off the hook.
  • The edges and corners of a load should be packed to prevent sharp edges damaging lifting ropes, chains, slings etc.
  • Never lift with the point of any hook.
  • Never drag a sling from under any load if it is not free.
  • Never cross, twist, kink, or knot any sling for any purposes whatsoever.
  • Never walk or work under a suspended load whilst it is being installed no matter how small the load may be.
  • Where appropriate a ‘No Go’ area should be created below the area of operation.
  • Ensure good communication between ground crew and riggers working at height.
  • It is the responsibility of ground crew to keep the area below the operation safe and clear and to stop the operation in the development of a hazardous situation.

Safe slinging and rigging requires the correct lifting equipment to be used at all times.


Section 18

Structures & Installations
Screens, Truss & Draping
Control & Racks

In the nature of our business here at Drinkle & Mann Ltd. we are often involved in the erection of temporary structures of various type. This section outlines the main areas and procedures associated with their assembly and installation.

(top of section)

We must ensure that all sets and backdrops are erected correctly and safely.

  • An experienced set builder must supervise construction of all sets.
  • All sets must be constructed in the configuration designed by the manufacturer.
  • Ensure that all bolts & clamps are in place and secure.
  • Before erection, ensure all supporting braces are not damaged or defective.
  • Sets must be securely fixed and well supported with adequate weights.
  • Wear protective gloves when handling sets to protect you from splinters, protruding nails, staples or other hazardous imperfections.
  • Ensure you have enough crew to erect and dismantle sets safely.
  • Everyone needs to be aware that sets are not firm structures and they should not lean on or rest materials against them.
  • Emergency Exits must never be hidden or obstructed by sets.
Screens, Truss & Draping
(top of section)

  • Ensure that an experienced operative supervises all assembly and erections.
  • Equipment should be inspected before use, damaged or defective equipment must not be used.
  • Screens should be assembled according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
  • Ensure that bolts and joiners are secure in truss structures.
  • Use only designated joiners and clamps when joining or extending poles or truss structures, never compromise the safety of these structures.
  • Poles or truss must be securely fixed to push-ups/winch-ups before extending height.
  • Ensure that all push-ups/winch-ups are locked off securely and that legs are secured at optimum span.
  • Where the risk of toppling is increased, (e.g. at extended height or outdoors) ensure to secure any structures securely with sandbags or other weighting materials.
  • Never overload temporary structures.
  • When carrying poles or truss single-handed, be especially careful to ensure that they clear persons and objects in the vicinity.
  • All clamped items at height on structures (e.g. lighting fixtures) must be backed up with rated safety chains.
  • Ensure that all draping is fire retarded in line with regulations.
  • Emergency Exits must never be hidden or obstructed with draping or other temporary structures.
(top of section)

  • All staging should be inspected before use, damaged or defective equipment must not be used.
  • Folding bases must be opened correctly and fixed with cross braces.
  • Ensure that all detachable legs are fixed in place and tightened securely.
  • Stage bases must be secured together to prevent the stage from opening up.
  • Ensure that stage tops are fixed in place.
  • Stage surfaces must be levelled to prevent tripping.
  • Staging must be safe & sturdy enough for the load required.
  • Ensure to remove any protruding nails, screws or other potential hazards.
  • If staging is re-surfaced (i.e. with carpet or vinyl) ensure that the surface is fixed, flat and secure and will not slip.
  • Stage surfaces must be clean and dry, wet or oily surfaces must be cleaned and dried before use.
  • Steps should be level, even, and safely secured to the stage.
  • Step edges should be clearly marked with prominent edging for safety.
  • When erecting stages on grass, secure flat bases under legs to prevent sinking.

(top of section)

  • Speakers should be firmly secured to stands.
  • Speaker stands should be locked off securely and legs secured at optimum span.
  • Protruding legs should be clearly visible and outlined in prominent edging.
  • Speaker stands should not be overextended, increasing the possibility of toppling.
  • Speaker stacks should be even and well balanced so that they are not likely to fall or topple.
  • Ensure that limits are set for the height of stacks to maintain stability.
  • Employees must not climb speaker stacks.
  • Emergency Exits must never be hidden or obstructed by speakers.

Control & Racks
(top of section)

Control areas must be set up so that they are safe and sturdy.

  • Racks must be set up on a firm level base so that they are not likely to topple or fall.
  • Multiple Racks should be stacked evenly and well-balanced, stack heavier equipment (e.g. amplifiers) near floor level.
  • Limit the height of stacks to maintain stability.
  • Ensure that you are not obstructing any doors or walkways where racks could be nudged and toppled.
  • Desks should be set up at a comfortable height for the operator to prevent stooping.
  • Emergency Exits must never be obstructed by control stacks.

(top of section)

  • Installing a speaker system using brackets, yokes or any other method of fixing should only be done by qualified and experienced personnel following safe rigging practices.
  • Secure fixings to the building structure are vital.
  • It is essential that the surface on which the loudspeaker bracket or yoke is fitted is fire retardant and capable of withstanding the load imposed on it with at least a 7:1 safety factor.
  • Surfaces must also accept the method of fixing chosen by the installer with an adequate pullout resistance- again with a 7:1 safety factor.
  • For fail safe protection a safety back up cable is recommended, it should be fire retardant and be attached to an independent secure fixing in the mounting surface or building structure.
  • If in any doubt seek professional help from a relevant specialist such as a building architect or structural engineer.


Section 19

Noise Levels

When working in areas where noise levels are abnormally high or prolonged it is advisable to wear adequate hearing protection. Cotton wool is not considered an adequate hearing protection.

Music concerts, car and motorcycle races, and other spectator events often produce sound levels that warrant hearing protection. Professional loudspeakers are capable of producing extremely high sound levels and should be used with care. Never stand close to loudspeakers driven at a high level.

Some stereo headphones are capable of producing hazardous exposures. Exercise special care in the use of personal headset listening devices, and learn to operate them at safe volume settings.

Young people in particular should get into a habit of avoiding noise exposure before their hearing is permanently damaged.

According to some existing rules and regulations, a noise level of 85 dB (A) for an 8-hour daily exposure is potentially damaging. If total sound energy were the important predictor, an equivalent exposure could be as high as 88 dB (A) if restricted to 4 hours. (A 3-dB increase is equivalent to doubling the sound intensity.) This relation, enshrined in some standards and regulations, is a theory based on a dose or exposure defined by total energy.

Hearing conservation must begin by providing each individual with basic information. Noise Induced Hearing Loss is insidious, permanent, and irreparable, causing communication interference that can substantially affect the quality of life. Ringing in the ears and muffling of sounds after sound exposure are indicators of potential hazard. Dangerous sound exposures can cause significant damage without pain, and hearing aids do not restore normal hearing. Individuals should become aware of loud noise situations and avoid them if possible or properly use hearing protection.

It is important to recognise that both the level of the noise and its duration (i.e., exposure) contributes to the overall risk. Certain noises, such as explosions, may cause immediate permanent damage.

Many sources, such as guns, power tools, chain saws, small aeroplanes, farm vehicles, firecrackers, some types of toys, and some medical and dental instruments may produce dangerous exposures.

If two people have difficulty speaking to one another over 2 metres the level is likely to be about 85 dB (A) or above and you should wear hearing protection.


Section 20

Pressurised Systems
Cartridge Tools
Compressed Air

Cartridge Tools
(top of section)

  • Cartridge tools must be used only by employees who have been specially trained in their use.
  • The use of cartridge tools must be authorised by a competent person.
  • All operators must be over 18 years of age.
  • Employees must wear the correct safety equipment when using these tools i.e. goggles and ear protection.
  • The tool must not be used without a protective shield.
  • Pins must not be fired through existing holes.
  • The tool must not be used unless pressed against the surface into which the pin is to be fitted.
  • In the case of misfire the operator should hold the tool in the firing position for at least 30 seconds before investigating the cause and follow the instructions laid down by the manufacturers for removing the cartridge. Screwdrivers, penknives or similar tools must not be used for extracting the cartridge.
  • The tool must not be used in a flammable or explosive atmosphere.
  • The tool should never be loaded until immediately before use and never left loaded and unattended.
  • The tool must never be pointed at other employees and should be carried unloaded facing downwards, operators should keep their hands clear of the open baud whether the tool is loaded or not.
  • Cartridges must be kept in special containers provided for the purpose and must never be carried around loose.
  • When the tool is not in use it must be securely locked away and not left where it could be available to unauthorised persons.
  • Ensure that tools are regularly inspected for defects and well maintained.
  • Ensure that the area of operation and a safety zone is barricaded off to prevent persons entering. This will help to avoid possible injury by ricochet.
  • When using tools of this nature on location ensure you make yourself aware of any site procedures and regulations regarding their use.
Compressed Air
(top of section)

There are many ways in which compressed air can be dangerous, for example it could enter body orifices such as the mouth and ears, causing severe and often fatal injuries and at a high pressure it is capable of penetrating the skin. Particles of oil carried in an air-jet can damage the eyes while explosions may occur if oil-coke deposits in a system spontaneously ignite. Vessels containing compressed air even at comparatively low pressure, can explode violently once their integrity is lost and dirty or wet air can cause a system to fail, e.g. by blocking safety related valves.

Remember the following safety points when using compressed air

  • Check equipment regularly and immediately report any defects.
  • Horseplay with compressed air is extremely dangerous and is strictly forbidden.
  • When using compressed air tools the exhausting air should be directed away from the body.
  • Safety and monitoring devices should never be misused or abused.
  • Compressed air should never be used for cleaning clothing.
  • When using air-powered equipment ensure to turn off at the air outlet to relieve the pressure before disconnecting the implement.

Doug says:

"The safe way to work is the right way to work"


Section 21

Personal Protective Equipment
Head & Neck
Hands & Arms
Feet & Legs
Whole Body

In some work activities Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) has to be supplied and used whether it be a legal requirement or a condition of employment. PPE has to be used sometimes because there is no other way to protect you from the possible risks of the work that you do.

  • Check that your PPE is suitable and in good, clean condition before you start your work and always stored correctly when not in use.
  • Ensure that your PPE is properly adjusted for comfort and compliance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Never disregard the need for PPE for those jobs that ‘just take a few minutes’.

There is a wide range of PPE suitable for almost every work activity.

(top of section)

Spectacles - Goggles - Face screens - Helmets

There is on average about 1,000 eye injuries every working day. The eyes are very vulnerable and an accident or injury can change a person’s way of life.

  • When carrying out operations that expose you to flying particles, dust, chemicals or harmful rays, proper and suitable eye protection must be worn.
  • Wear protective lenses when exposed to radiation effects of welding or burning
  • Report the loss or defectiveness of eye protection immediately.
  • Ensure that your eye protectors are suitable for you and the work being carried out.
  • Take care of any eye protection issued to you.
  • Ensure the protection of other people who may be affected by your work.
Head & Neck
(top of section)

Helmets - Bump caps - Hairnets - Cape Hoods - Scarves

Some safety helmets incorporate or can be fitted with specially designed breathing or hearing protection.

  • Always wear safety helmets in any construction area and where there is risk from falling objects from overhead.
  • Safety Helmets must be free from defects and replaced every 6 months.
(top of section)

Earplugs - Earmuffs

When working in areas where noise levels are excessively high or prolonged above 85db(A) then hearing protection must be worn.

  • Earplugs may be pre-shaped or individually moulded in rubber, plastic, or disposable and made of compressible plastic foam, glass down etc.
  • Take advice to ensure earplugs reduce noise to an acceptable level.
  • Fit only specially designed earmuffs over safety helmets.
Hands & Arms
(top of section)

Gloves - Gauntlets - Mitts - Wrist cuffs - Armlets

Your hands are an extremely important part of your body; you are probably using them right now to turn these pages. They are also the part of the body that is most susceptible to injury as natural instinct means you shield yourself from hazards with them.

  • Whenever operations may cause hazards to hands you should wear hand protection i.e. when loading or working with sharp or hot objects.
  • New gloves etc. should be examined before use.
  • Gloves should never be worn around moving machinery because of danger of entanglement.
  • Use skin conditioning cream after working with water or fat solvents. Barrier creams provide limited protection.
  • Disposable or cotton inner gloves can reduce sweating.
  • Electricians using insulated gloves should check them for defects daily.
Feet & Legs
(top of section)

Steel toe caps - Steel mid-soles - Gaiters - Leggings - Spats - Clogs

Footwear can have a variety of sole patterns and materials to prevent slips in different conditions, with oil or chemical resistant soles. They can be anti static, electrically conductive or insulating.

  • Ensure you wear the correct footwear for the environment in which you are working. E.g. If working with caustic type materials safety boots must be worn
  • Avoid open sandals and high heeled shoes
(top of section)

Respirators - Half/Full Face masks - Breathing Apparatus

  • All equipment should be suitable for its purpose and meet the necessary standards.
  • The right type of respirator filter must be used, as each is effective for only a limited range of substances.
  • Remember cartridges & canisters have only a limited life.
  • Use only breathing apparatus where there is a shortage of oxygen or any danger of losing consciousness due to exposure to high levels of harmful fumes, never use a filtering cartridge.
Whole Body
(top of section)

Overalls - Warehouse coats - Donkey Jackets - Aprons - Thermals - Chemical Suits

The choice of materials includes non-flammable, anti-static, chain mail, chemically impermeable and high visibility.

  • Wear suitable clothing for the temperature of environment you will be working in.
  • Do not forget other protection such as safety harnesses or life jackets.
  • Ensure to wear sunglasses and sunscreen with a high SPF on all exposed areas when working in direct sunlight to avoid risk of skin cancers.
  • Ensure to have appropriate rainwear on hand for any outdoor work.


Section 22

Violence Risks
Company Premises
Location Work

There are many areas in which we engage business activities that could have potential risks of violence; we must minimise these risks so far as is reasonably practical to ensure the safety of our employees.

Those employees in face-to-face contact with the public are normally the most vulnerable and we recommend that they watch for early signs of aggression or ‘Trouble Brewing’, and try to avoid the situation rather than be led into it. Make sure that your own attitude is of a non-confrontational nature.

Company Premises
(top of section)

We must be vigilant at our own premises to ensure that there are no increases in the risk of violence toward our employees. As we are open to visits from the general public we can never fully eliminate the risk of somebody of a violent nature walking through our door. The very nature of our equipment stored and its marketable value makes us an attractive target for theft and with theft comes a risk of violence.

  • Be aware of all people traffic and attend to the entrance promptly to ensure we have no unauthorised ‘guests’.
  • Ensure that the entrance video system is operating so that we can monitor arrivals.
  • Ensure that cash on the premises is kept in a secure area.
  • Bank money frequently and vary the route taken to reduce the risk of robbery.
  • When collecting or depositing money from the bank, a colleague should accompany staff.
Location Work
(top of section)

The nature of location work and the client we are contracted by can both lead us open to increased risks of violence that we must be aware of.

  • Environmental Issues
  • Pressure Group Campaigns
  • Demonstrations
  • Campaigns/Rallies of a sensitive nature
  • Controversial issues

We endeavour to make adequate arrangements for the safety of any employees involved in work related activities for any of the above increased risk situations.

(top of section)

If a violent incident occurs we will respond quickly to avoid any long-term stress to our employees using the following procedures accordingly.

  • A shoulder to lean on

    We will encourage you to talk through any experiences of a violent nature as soon as possible after the event, and are aware that verbal abuse can be just as upsetting as a physical attack.

  • Recovery

    We understand that individuals react differently and need different amounts of time to recover from an incident and will assist when appropriate & deemed necessary with organising time away from work and organising specialist counselling.

  • Legal Assistance

    We value our staff and will not hesitate in assisting with the prosecution of those who have committed attacks of a violent nature toward our employees. Where appropriate will use the full extent of the law to help bring them to justice and assist in seeking adequate compensation for any injuries sustained.

We understand and will consider the effects of a violent attack on victim’s colleagues and will offer guidance to help work through their reactions toward the incident.


Section 23

Mental Health & Stress

Stress is the reaction that people have to excessive pressure or other types of demands placed upon them.

There is a clear distinction between pressure, (which can be positive) and excess pressure, which leads to the negative response known as stress.

Drinkle & Mann Ltd. is aware of the fast paced commodity of modern business and the pressures that are placed upon individuals. We endeavour to create the right climate by raising awareness of stress.

Employees should:

  • Monitor the pressure levels & working conditions of their co-workers.
  • Learn to recognise signs of stress (are people distracted, tense or worried?).
  • Encourage co-workers to discuss problems openly to ensure that work-related stress is not seen as a personal problem but rather an issue that the company as a whole needs to address.

We are committed to providing a caring understanding attitude toward stress and mental health issues through the means of sympathetic reassurance and practical advice, where necessary we can assist our employees with the implementation of counselling and psychiatric treatment.

Doug says:



Section 24

Office Safety
Office Tidiness
Falls & Collisions
Equipment & Machines
Lifting & Carrying

An office is only as safe (or unsafe) as the people who work in it. Office accidents follow a similar pattern to those that happen in the warehouse or on location and generally result from the same basic causes:

  • Falls & trips
  • Knocking into objects
  • Handling & lifting goods
  • Fire
  • Electricity

The above areas may have been covered earlier in this Health & Safety manual but here are a few additional pointers that are specifically relevant to the office environment.

Office Tidiness
(top of section)

Untidiness can contribute to accidents and could also be the cause of fires.

  • Do not obstruct Fire Exits or fire fighting equipment.
  • Ensure that fire extinguishers are in the correct place before you need them.
  • Check you fire drill notice and know your assembly point.
  • Keep floors, passages and stairs clear of trip hazards, i.e. goods, cables, litter etc.
  • Place litterbins where they are not a tripping hazard.
  • Ensure to put all waste paper in the bins provided.
  • Spillages should be cleaned up immediately.
  • Broken glass or other dangerous waste should be carefully disposed of, not put into wastepaper bins.
  • Do not overload filing cabinets, open one drawer at a time and close any drawer before you walk away. Cabinets can tip over quite easily.
  • Keep your desk tidy.
  • Keep articles of clothing and other combustible materials away from heaters.
Falls & Collisions
(top of section)

Falls are the most common form of office accidents and often result from untidiness.

  • If something is spilled have it cleaned up immediately.
  • Report any turned up or worn carpets, rugs and stair treads.
  • Always use the handrail when ascending or descending stairs.
  • If you have to reach high shelves do not use office chairs, desks or boxes. Use a suitable stepladder or step stool.
  • Always look where you are going, never read whilst you are walking about the offices or using the stairs.
  • Don’t run, walk. It’s safer for everybody.
Equipment & Machines
(top of section)

The majority of office equipment is not particularly dangerous, as the working parts are usually well enclosed. Even so machines should always be treated with respect and used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

  • Where machines are electrically operated never tinker with the electrics if there is a breakdown. Report the problem immediately and a competent engineer may be called if necessary; this also applies to broken switches, loose connections and damaged cables.
  • Take particular care with smaller office equipment such as knives, scissors and stapling machines. All are capable of inflicting painful injuries.
  • Do not use razor blades and pins; they are not suitable for office use.
  • When using photocopiers try to avoid contact with toners or other chemicals, if you must add toner wash your hands when you are finished.
  • Always keep the document cover down when photocopying.
  • Telephones and electrical appliances should be safely sited and cables kept as near as possible to prevent them becoming trip hazards.
  • Before leaving work switch off all electrical appliances.
Lifting & Carrying
(top of section)

It does not need to be a very heavy weight to strain your back; it’s the way you lift or carry it that does the damage. If the load is too heavy for you to carry alone get help.

For detailed instruction on good handling technique refer to Section 15 of this policy.

If you find anything in your office that is likely to be a danger and can’t do anything about it yourself, report it so that appropriate action can be taken.

Doug says:

"Beware of the paper cut!"


Section 25

Working with Visual Display Units
Getting Comfortable
Keying In
Using a Mouse
Reading the Screen
Posture & Breaks

Working with Visual Display Units (VDU’s) and their use is not generally high risk, but it can lead to muscular and other physical problems, eye fatigue and mental stress.

Problems of this kind can be overcome by good ergonomic design of equipment, furniture, the working environment and the tasks performed.

People who use VDU’s sometimes complain of stress, but often this arises from increased pace of work or pressure to meet deadlines, not the VDU itself. Some workers find stress reduced because the VDU makes their job easier or more interesting, but for others stress becomes worse. This can happen when a system does not work well or when the user does not feel in control or competent to operate it.

Extensive research has found no evidence that VDU’s cause disease or permanent damage to eyes. Long spells of work however can lead to tired eyes and discomfort.

  • Contact lens wearers may find the air drier from the heat generated by VDU’s and this combined with staring at the screen can cause discomfort. If you have this problem and don’t wish to wear spectacles try blinking more often or use tear substitute drops to keep your eyes moist.
  • Bifocal spectacle wearers may find them less than ideal for VDU work, as it is important to see the screen easily without having to raise or lower the head. If you can’t work comfortably with bifocals you may need a different type of spectacles.

You may not have a ‘state of the art’ VDU workstation but simple adjustments and common sense can make a big difference to your comfort when using a VDU.

Getting Comfortable

(top of section)

  • Adjust your chair & VDU to find the most comfortable position for your work.
  • Ensure you have enough workspace to take whatever documents or other equipment you need.
  • Try different arrangements of keyboard, screen, mouse and documents to find the best arrangements for you. A document holder may help you avoid awkward neck & eye movements.
  • Arrange your desk and VDU to avoid bright reflections or glare directly on the screen. Adjust curtains or blinds to prevent unwanted light.
  • Make sure there is sufficient space underneath your desk to move your legs freely, move any obstacles such as boxes or equipment.
  • Avoid excess pressure from the edge of your seat on the backs of your legs and knees; a footrest may be helpful particularly for smaller users.
Keying In
(top of section)

  • Adjust your keyboard to get a good keying position. A space in front of the keyboard is sometimes helpful for resting the hands and wrists when not keying.
  • Try to keep your wrists straight when keying, keeping a soft touch on the keys and not over-stretching the fingers. Good keyboard technique is important.
Using A Mouse
(top of section)

  • Position the mouse within easy reach, so that it can be used with the wrist straight.
  • Sit upright and close to the desk so you don’t have to work with your mouse arm stretched. Move the keyboard out of the way if it is not being used.
  • Support your forearm on the desk and don’t grip the mouse too tightly.
  • Rest your fingers lightly on the buttons and do not press them hard.
Reading the Screen
(top of section)

  • Adjust the brightness and contrast controls on the screen to suit lighting conditions in the room.
  • Ensure the screen surface is clean.
  • In setting up software choose options giving text that is large enough to read easily on your screen, when you are sitting in a normal working position. Select colours that are easy on the eye. (Avoid red text on a blue background or vice versa.)
  • Individual characters on the screen should be sharply focused and should not flicker or move. If they do the VDU may need servicing or adjusting.
Posture & Breaks
(top of section)

Proper posture is the key to comfortable use of VDU’s.

  • Elbows close to sides.
  • Upper & lower arms at approximately right angles.
  • Head up with eye level just above the top of the screen.
  • Knees level with hips.
  • Lower back supported.
  • Feet flat on floor or foot rest.
  • Do not sit in the same position for long periods.
  • Make sure you change your posture as often as is practicable. Some movement is desirable but avoid repeated stretching to reach things you need. (If this happens a lot, rearrange your workstation.)
  • Most jobs provide opportunities to take a break from the screen, e.g. to do filing or photocopying. Make use of them. If there are no such natural breaks in your job you should plan to have rest breaks.
  • Frequent short breaks are better than fewer long ones.
(top of section)

Laptops and other portable computers have to be small and compact enough to be easy to carry. This often results in design compromises, like smaller keyboards and screens that make portables less comfortable in prolonged use than a normal VDU.

  • Avoid using a portable for long periods when full sized equipment is available.
  • Ensure to sit comfortably when using a laptop and wherever possible place it on a firm surface at the right height for keying.
  • Angle the screen so that it can be seen clearly with minimal reflections.
  • Take frequent breaks if work is prolonged.

Doug says:

" No job is so important, no service so urgent, that we can’t take the time to do it safely."

A copy of this Health & Safety policy will always be available on the Health & Safety Notice board for easy reference should you ever have any queries.

If you are ever any unsure of anything regarding the Health & Safety of yourself or your colleagues do not hesitate to ask for assistance.

Now that you have read the Drinkle & Mann Ltd. Health & Safety policy please sign the record sheet acknowledging that you have read & understood the contents of this policy and accept the responsibility of maintaining a Safe & Healthy working environment.




Statement of Company Policy on Health & Safety at Work


Chain of Responsibility

  1. Hazard Assessment & Risk Minimisation
  2. General Workplace Safety, Welfare & Legislation
  3. Sub Contractors & Temporary Workers
  4. Accidents & Emergencies General
    In Case of an Accident
    In Case of Hazard
    Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Death or Major Injuries
    Over 3 Day Injuries
    Dangerous Occurrence
  5. First Aid
  6. Fire Emergency Instructions & Prevention
  7. Gas Safety
  8. General Safety Rules & Procedures General
    Training & Supervision
  9. Employees Working Alone
  10. Electrical Procedures Safe Installation & Operation
    Insulation, Protection & Earthing
    Portable Electrical Equipment
    Overhead Electric Lines
    Underground Cables
  11. Equipment Use & Maintenance General
  12. Hazardous Substances Use Substances Safely
    Flammable Liquids
    Flammable & Combustible Solids
  13. Smoking, Alcohol & Drug Abuse
  14. Transportation & Driving
  15. Manual Handling General
    Good handling Technique
    Repetetive Handling
  16. Working at Height Ladders
    Trestles & Stepladders
    Scaffolds & Mobile Tower Scaffolds
    Scissor Lifts & Knuckle Booms (Cherry Pickers)
    Roof Work
  17. Rigging & Lifting Equipment
  18. Structures & Installations Sets
    Screens, Truss & Draping
    Control & Racks
  19. Noise Levels
  20. Pressurised Systems Cartridge Tools
    Compressed Air
  21. Personal Protective Equipment
    Head & Neck
    Hands & Arms
    Feet & Legs
    Whole Body
  22. Violence Risks
    Company Premises
    Location Work
  23. Mental Health & Stress
  24. Office Safety Office Tidiness
    Falls & Collisions
    Equipment & Machines
    Lifting & Carrying
  25. Working with Visual Display Units General
    Getting Comfortable
    Keying In
    Using a Mouse
    Reading the Screen
    Posture & Breaks

Acceptance Signature Page



I certify that I have received the Drinkle & Mann Ltd. Health and Safety Policy booklet.

I accept that I am required to read, understand and act on the contents of this safety handbook.






Acceptance Signature Page



I certify that I have received the Drinkle & Mann Ltd. Health and Safety Policy booklet.

I accept that I am required to read, understand and act on the contents of this safety handbook.